Since 1977 we have been conducting walks through the centre of Gateacre discussing the history of the roads, buildings and features that make up the fabric of the village. This year our fourth excursion is going to start on the village green, take us along Belle Vale Road, up on to the disused railway line (if fine), to the Nook and then back along Halewood Road. But first we will go along Grange Lane to see what has been, happening at the Riding School.
These Notes are a supplement to what our guides can say in the time available as we walk. It is not our intention that you should read them during the course of the walk; we hope to be audible and so interesting that you will not want to read them. We hope that you will read them when you get home, and that they will fill out what we have been saying.
The guides on this walk would again like to emphasise that they have no complete knowledge, though they have done a lot of homework on the area we are covering. In many places they are still feeling their way, and they base their statements and opinions on features that strike them and their enthusiasm for architecture and local history. In our study of this area we have been fortunate to have sight of three sets of deeds and these have been of immense help. We hope to gather more information from you this afternoon.
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